Robert Anthony Maheu

Nice to meet you! My name is Robert Anthony Maheu.
Owner of Grateful Soul Clearings. Certified Soul Realignment® Practitioner.

The name Grateful Soul Clearings honestly was derived from the amount of gratitude I felt when I found out who I was at soul level after my own first Akashic Record Reading and Past Life Clearing. I was on a path searching for nearly ten years, learning about everything from crystals to practicing Feng Shui, endlessly attending spiritual lectures and classes, reading about the law of attraction and abundance, listening to the most outstanding speakers of our times. The list went on and on! All I kept wondering was, "who am I?" and how can I really help the world? Persistently keeping my actions aligned towards finding my truth led me to finally find the people & places that revealed the answers to the questions I was diligently searching for, finally! Which ended up being the Soul Realignment® Program.

My gratitude goes straight into being able to provide this opportunity in helping others find who they are at soul level so they can navigate themselves through this world. My gratitude goes out to the long journey you may have been on, searching for those same answers. And most importantly, my gratitude goes out to you for finally finding Grateful Soul Clearings!

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