Amanda M.

Amanda M.

Amanda was someone who was still having their grandmother drawing energy off of her since the age of seven. She also was having problems with her husband from whom she was separated. She was truly living in a lack of vital force energy. After her grandmother's passing, she appeared to Amanda that very night and said that she will be looking over her. There were subtle physical signs of things around rooms moving to let her know her grandmother was still there over the years. Even the scent of her grandmother’s custom made perfume was on her daughter! She believed her daughter was a reincarnation of her grandmother because of this. These souls don’t quite know what to do or know that they’ve even passed on, so they latch to their environments in the most comfortable way possible, sometimes. When it’s just a family member we accept these connections, when in reality it truly is a negative force drawing off your energy, which we call a disruptive earthbound soul (others may identify this as a poltergeist). I safely guided her grandmother away to her next appropriate experience, shortly after, the disturbances stopped and the essence of that custom made perfume on her daughter disappeared! There was also a soul-mate situation negatively affecting Amanda life-time after life-time that was cleared too and a few days after the clearing work... guess what happened? Divorce papers were brought to her by her husband after being separated for years and he willingly signed them out of nowhere with no sign of argument or custody battle! As well as a dream world that was built within Amanda's sleep state over the years to escape life disappeared directly after the clearing too!

(I had no knowledge of these events until after the clearing)

Along with a few other amazing things that occurred within this clearing and the tools I’ve provided to help her become aligned with who she truly is. Amanda is truly taking her power back and becoming a master of her life force energy! She is even opening up as a public speaker and letting things out so that they're merely becoming but just a memory now and becoming an inspiration to others.

Learn who YOU are today and clear any of your past and present life blocks and restrictions holding you back from receiving infinite amounts of vital force energy! Take your power back and reap the abundance this world freely provides!

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