Kristen B.

Kristen B.

Short & Sweet​

Kristen came to me with an interest in the Akashic Records and in her journey of begining to allow healing into her life. Herself being a well-versed healer, being a reiki master practitioner and intuitive card reader, she chose to work with me as she discovered that she liked my own energy. Beforehand she saw no point in allowing other healers to do the healing she believed could be done herself. But, with a little open-mindedness created a life-time of healing for Kristen. She did not know what to expect when it came to an Akashic Past Life Healing. I cleared all the attaching energies that was ready to be released from her Akashic Record which included some entities and chakra healing, and in turn, inadvertantly, as she began doing her healing prayer, TWO physical heart conditions were cleared up. One heart condition she was experiencing was a physical blockage in one of her valves, which cleared up first, then, there was an electrical disorder causing an irregular heartbeat. After a month of monitored heart activity and confirmation, out of nowhere I was informed of this miracle and astonishment from the doctors asking what she did.

In no way these healings can replace medical practices. But in some special cases, when we do beging to heal our core, our soul, or spiritual bodies, these healings perpetuate into the layers above, into our emotional and physical bodies too! I could not be more grateful for Kristen and her new life. She is still very young with a long road ahead of her. With this healed heart she can confidently move forward and even experience pregnancy with no concern if and when she feels that time may come.

Along with the healing she also reported a great sense of confidence within her communication after healing her heart chakra and finding out who she was at a soul level. As an intuitive card reader this helped her propel herself more freely when communicating. Also she felt a sense of unalignment with her current job at the time as a store manager, she dropped that job with good intentions of moving forward and came into alignment with the exact answers her soul was looking for and was hired at a college university in charge of all of the resident advisors helping guide them along with all the students and creating programs to help raise awareness, guidance, and healing for students as well!

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