Meet Your Spirit Guides

Meet Your Spirit Guides

1+ hr session

This session is recommended after you have already had your Akashic Record Past Life Reading & Clearing Session.

A 1+ hour session where I will bring you on a journey into your Akashic Records, where you'll meet your Spirit Guides after I have dove in myself. Did you know that you came into this life, and every other incarnation, with one or two Spirit Guides? Then your Higher Self will hire more as you face certain obstacles in life so that there are 4 - 7 total?

You are the only one they help, but don't worry, you give them plenty to do! They will each tell you not only what they look like, but the Soul Gifts that they bring to you, their purpose on your team, how they nudge or impulse you, and a personal message from each one. They almost always have a sense of humor and often sneak in a homework assignment for you!


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