Past Life Reading & Clearing Session

Past Life Reading & Clearing Session

Your first stepping stone. 

A 1+ hour session via Conference Call. Most US calls and calls to countries outside the US are at no additional charge.

This session is the first recommended reading and clearing. First, Robert will find out who you are at soul level by connecting with your Akashic Record and retrieving your soul blueprint. He will then clear any Past Life Blocks & Restrictions along with any present life issues that are ready to be cleared as well. To conclude, you will have full access and all the keys to living in your soul's divinity, becoming aware of your Soul Gifts and connecting with your unique Vital Force Energy, which ultimately brings in YOUR abundance and returns YOU to YOUR true nature!

During your reading, Robert will tell you your Soul Gifts, Soul Level Protections, how many Spirit Guides you have on your team, where your soul incarnated from, and all the Past & Present Life Stories that have been causing you to experience these unwanted energetic patterns of struggle in your life that you've been experiencing.

These patterns of struggle will dissolve & transform into abundance with the clearing of these energies and, most importantly, with the New Actions that you take as the Powerful Creator of your experience! Learning who you are at soul level and what kind of actions will align you to the individualized energy center that divine source designed you with are the fundamental steps in returning to your true nature.

You will receive a recording of your session, which is very important since you'll be receiving so much information about yourself. So, naturally, you'll want to listen and take notes as you realize your Divine potential through your Soul Gifts. But, after you learn these, the universe will see you consciously identifying with your true nature; all the dysfunctional energies within your life will genuinely begin to fade away. Then the real magic starts to happen...

You will also receive the tools that will help to keep your Vital Force Energy and Abundance flowing in your life. If you long for change and are ready to step into your Divinity, then this reading and clearing session is perfect for you!

Once your payment is received, Robert will send you a welcoming email with the information needed to get started. After your clearing is completed, Robert will contact you with information regarding the scheduling of your session.


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