Present Life Reading & Clearing

Present Life Reading & Clearing

Session via Conference Call. Most US calls and calls to countries outside the US are at no additional charge.

This 40 + minute reading is where Robert assesses your list of present life issues that have you in a rut and clears them for you, based on what patterns are causing them.

Let's face it, our choices and actions can sometimes lead to unwanted consequences that we'll find ourselves in that begin to pull us away from our true nature, our divinity, our truth!

In order to purchase, you will need to have had your Soul Realignment® Akashic Record Past Life Reading and Clearing. Practicing living in your divinity as well as having been up-leveling by taking New Action and applying your Soul Gifts. Sometimes as you up-level, your Higher Self recognizes that you are ready for that next-level reading and clearing. This is when you may be presented with new life issues that persist and that make you stop and think, "How do I move forward with all this building up on me? Have I hit another wall? Are these the next set of things that are now ready to be identified & released?"

This reading will tell you exactly what Blocks and Restrictions, karma, a.k.a. the persistent energies that are consistently causing these present life issues and keeping you from your true nature!

Robert once again clears you of those dark clouds so that you are back to receiving full Vital Force Energy and Abundance in your life so that you can return to your true nature once again! He will also discuss New Actions that will help you to move forward to your desired outcomes. As always, your session will be recorded for you and you will be given the tools to stay on track.


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