Property Clearing & Guardian Angel Protection

Property Clearing & Guardian Angel Protection

Do you feel like some areas of your home or property are just naturally avoided or unused?

Are you comfortable in your home? Or does something just always feel off?

Your property goes back way before any building was erected. Throughout the sands of time, there's a high chance that you could be living on either a battleground, a burial ground, or even sacred ground. With this in mind; these types of ancient backgrounds that most properties have usually are holding different types of energies traveling through portalways, gateways, etc. that have an effect on most people that most of the time goes unnoticed. Believing that it's only the way they feel from time to time.

I can distinguish what's going on by entering your home’s Akashic Record. Which is your home's "spiritual database" for its entire history. There is absolutely no way to know if your home was once the site of a battleground, burial grounds, or sacred ground without taking a peek at its history in the Akashic Records.

During your property reading & clearing, I release and reassign all negative energy to loving & healing energy. A Guardian Angel will be assigned to your home for all time to protect with Divine Love and Light. You will feel the energetic difference in your home once the clearing is completed. If not, please let me know and I will refund your money within the first 30 days.


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